$800.00 (or about £400.00) spectacles (or glasses, if you prefer). Well chewed, especially the legs. Rims all bent out of shape. One lens (un-needed post eye surgery) intact. All we can find are a few glass chips from the other lens; we and vet are taking note of Sadie's behaviour, hoping she didn't swallow the thing either whole or in pieces. Fortunately, no sign of cuts in her mouth! And these lenses were supposed to be unbreakable.
Sadie must have gotten bored while I was at an ethics meeting early this morning. Lifted them off my bedside table, and. . . .
Move over, Exmoore Jack (as in Jack Russell Terrier). Sadie is about to get an ASBO (Anti-Social Behaviour Order) like yours; you're going to have to share your shed (or wherever Jane puts you to keep you from getting into even more trouble).
Teen-agers— human and canine; what can you say?
It was the toddler who chewed and broke mine. Matters not, I hope Sadie is ok.
Oops. A dog with expensive tastes.
A x
Hmmm - I wouldn't have thought that specs looked very chewable - Rufus hasn't touched ours -yet.
I hope his innards can take bits if he has swallowed them. Usually, I think they spit out anything that doesn't taste good.
We crated Rufus if we had to leave him for a time but sometimes he chewed something forbidden or undesirable when we sitting in the same room and not paying attention . . .
One thing I remembered reading before I got my first puppy bichon about 20 years ago was how hot their gums get from growing teeth. They really need to chew on things and will go for anything. Sorry if I'm telling you stuff that you know inside out - but lots of people don't.
Get them some chewy things - although one of our bichons ate so much of them she got blockages. You just can't win!
® Natalie: I'd bet your toddler was teething. My dog was just bored — my fault. Sadie's showing no signs of problems. As we're now 24 hours down the road, I think she's going to be OK. Thanks.
® Wipso: "A dog with expensive tastes." That certainly a good way of putting it. (The pun is excellent.)
® Rose: Actually I think she is going to be fine. Touch wood (says Bear, while patting his head).
® FF: At seven months, I'm pretty sure she is past teething. She just looks for new and different things to "play" with. Anything less than three feet off the floor is a perfectly vulnerable target (considering that her mouth is more than table/desk height). Aaaarrrgg! In the meantime, she's sleeping blissfully beside my chair as I write this. Dog's life, indeed. (Thanks for the tip, btw.)
So sorry I got Sadie's sex wrong - unforgivable! I'll send her my old glasses to chew - only joking.
® Rose: Not to worry — Sadie will soon be an "it." And, no; you may not send any glasses. We don't want to encourage a bad habit. (I accidentally leave enough things around that I'm becoming a bit terrified of what she might get next. Who? Me? Paranoid? Nah. At least I don't think so. But having been investigated once already by the our country's version of MI5, one can never be too sure.)
Glad to see you fit and well and blogging again. I hope that Sadie is alright and a belated Happy New Year to you and your family!
Oh dear, the little Horror! Glad she's ok though. I still crate my 18 month old, she gets "bored" too! I wouldn't be so sure that teething is completely over. Mine seemed to get overwhelming urges to chew up until they were around 10 months.
Oh, dear...Sadie's really done it this time...hope she'll be okay...my dog used to gnaw on my shoes while I was at work if I didn't close the closet tightly. Sigh...they do get themselves into trouble, don't they? Sorry about the expense...Hope your recovery is coming along well!! Hugs, Janine
A friend of mine found her mobile phone taken apart and chewed at in the dog basket while I only found friend's daughter's feeding baby spoon half chewed on the floor after leaving it on the side table for 5 unattended minutes.... none of the dogs suffered any side-effects. Ivy is absolutely mad about rubber rings of all kind. Maybe the chemicals to keep plastic/rubber soft are irresistible to them?
® CW: and a Happy New Year to your household, too! Yes, I am doing some better; hope this will be a good year — for us and you.
® Jenny: Thanks for the tip. We keep getting Sadie new things to chew. Some she likes, but sometimes she goes back to old bones.
® Jeanine: Am feeling better. Ironically, I will probably not need those glasses when all my eye surgery is done and healed. And I need to keep cupboard doors close, too!
® Ivy: you've had some "misadventures" too. Yes. Oh, and did I mention I have a well-chewed but still intact (more or less) wrist watch. Same dog! Sigh!
It's unfortunate that I haven't been here lately but I've been ecstatically falling in love with my new companion. I missed my Bichon so bad that I didn't think I'd ever love another dog. This one is a Maltese and a heart filled with love.
Now I have to go back through your blog and read up!
® Dana: Yes, I've been following "the adventures of the "Maltese puppy" on your blog. Well rescued!! (Sorry to be slow replying.)
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