Friday, December 14, 2012


Blessings and Bear hugs from Canadian friends (human and ursine) in the wake of the horrid tragedy in Newtown. That's about all we can do, but it is the one thing we can do.

~ Bear


J Cosmo Newbery said...

And thank the heavens that we do not have the US 'right to bear arms'. Someone left the word 'responsibly' off that phrase.

Unknown said...

sending prayers and love.

A Lady's Life said...

Unbelievable tragedy!
Unbelievable and senseless.

Jackie said...

Thank you, Bear for your respectful comments and consolation on this day of tragedy.

Calvin said...

No words can express the scope of this tragedy. Our thoughts and prayers go to all in Newtown.

Anita said...

Thank you.

Chatty Crone said...

I am watching it now - my heart goes out to the mommies who won't be able to put their babies to sleep tonight.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Why does this keep happening over and over and little is done about it. No matter the political crap, guns do kill people and today little children and their teachers died. I can't stop crying.

Hilary said...

What a horribly tragic day. My heart goes out to those poor families.

kj said...

too tragic to try to say. what i believe can be done, TOMORROW, is that the US president submits a bill for gun control and gives the congress 12 hours to vote it up or down.

that's the first step. the second has the periphery of mental illness and/or video violence.

my heart aches. really aches.

love to you, rob

Cathy Olliffe-Webster said...

Devastating. Senseless. Horrible. My heart is broken, smashed into small pieces, at the very thought of murdered children.

Janie Junebug said...

Thank you, Rob. I long for gun control.


potsoc said...

I join you all in in grieving...and indignation.

DJan said...

I am grieving for those beautiful lives lost, and grieving for the families, too. Blessings and bear hugs to all of us...

Irene said...

It is too difficult to comprehend. It is a huge painful event and I have no words for it. Actualy, I have many angry ones but I won't air them here.

ReformingGeek said...

Thank you, Bear. So tragic.

Rosaria Williams said...


Golden Eagle said...

Such a horrific event.

About Last Weekend said...

Thank you. Simple and beautiful words

susan said...

Nicely put.

Lins' lleisio said...

A tragedy. Please let it be the last - America look at your gun laws. PLEASE.

lotta joy said...

This tragedy is one in a long list.

The weirdo who did this had no legal right to the guns, so he could be placed with ALL the people taking lives with guns that are not honorably obtained and with legal background checks.

You cannot lump all guns with all who possess guns. And not all who possess guns are gun owners.

Can you see ME walking into a school, movie theater or mall and opening fire?

I carry. Any child in my presence would be protected.

Helen said...

I've been thinking about you this morning, Bear. Wishing you peace and joy throughout the Holiday and the New Year!!! (the first of my boys arrives this evening)

Inger said...

This is such a horrible tragedy. Here in the U S, we can support those who will try to pass better regulations for guns and do more for mental health issues. You probably would be surprises how little is done about that. I also wanted to stop by to wish you all the best for the holidays and the new year. Inger

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

That the world is so taken by this is a bit das when you see all the other kids shot all over the world. Gund have become for sale at Walmart US and I'm thinking all anyone cares about is profit. Loss is no longer significant! It's just too damn SAD!!!

Manzanita said...

Dear Bear,
I'm happy you are out of hibernation for Christmas although, I'm sorry you got bounced. If you lived near me, I would give you some of my homemade tonic. It's touted to cure "anything." Well, that sounds like the old snake-oil pitch but I had a lung thing for over a month last summer and nothing helped. My daughter had made some of the tonic and I took it 3 x d and in 3 days I was well. I just finished bottling some this morning. It's not like the "recipe" by the sisters on the Waltons. Ha ha

You take care of yourself and hibernate when you must.
Blessings to you and your family and Merry Christmas.

susan said...

I hope you are well and enjoying the very best parts of your hibernation.

Good wishes and fond regards for the New Year.

Amanda Summer said...


Thinking of you ~ hoping your holidays were filled with warmth and love and wishing for a New Year in which we humans create more peace and share more love than we do war and violence.

Sending many blessings to your bear cave and wishing you a peaceful slumber ~ Amanda xoxo

Diana said...

Yes this was a horrible event. I often think of the families left behind. It is heartbreaking.
Love Di ♥

About Last Weekend said...

Just been in NZ and we don't have those "rights' either. Kiwis cannot believe that people are actually saying things like good guys need to be armed.

Lydia said...


About Last Weekend said...

Just checking back to see if all is good with you and yours...