Anyhow, I posted with a title "Sorry!!" Or something like that. (The post is in red, at the bottom of this message.)
Those of you who visit Bear's blog regularly have heard me say (actually seen me write) that I have the best people in the blogsphere reading this blog. Because they make such wise comments.
Anyhow, Rubye Jack came to my aid.
BTW, I think you should be check her blog regularly. Maybe it isn't for everybody, but you will get a gutsy post every time you go there. She is one of the people who inspires me.
Here's what she had to say this morning.
"Bummer. I hope this is only due to problems with your computer and not you personally. Take care.
You should just label this post E is for Error? "
The rest, you understand.
We do, indeed, get by with a little help from our friends.
Due to "technical difficulties" beyond our control,
Bear is briefly opting out of the A - Z Challenge.
(Please do not adjust your computer.)
Not to mention totally unexpected and unpredicted.
Not to mention totally unexpected and unpredicted.
This is also life.
Bear will resume blogging and the A - Z Challenge;
we just don't know when.
Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Oh dear, hope you are ok?
Sometimes things happen.
don't give up bear, these damn things sometimes evn fix themselves.
i'll be back.
® Suburbia: I'm OK, now. Sort of. Life is "interesting."
® Journaling Woman: They certainly do. And usually at the most inappropriate times. Thanks.
® kj: Either they fix themselves, or a friend fixes them for you. Thanks.
It's nice that a post about taking a break still is part of the alphabet challenge. It's good to have friends.
® susan: Interesting how it worked in. Thanks for visiting.
I just got back from the ranch...late. Got baby chicks today. Cutest little things.
Take a rest dear bloggy friend. We'll be here.
® Manzanita: Ah, the Manz chic has gone and got herself some chicks. Right on, m'lady.
It is reassuring knowing that folks are around, and will be. Thanks.
I love Rubye Jack, too. She is really amazing.
® Cathy Olliffe-Webster: She is one very interesting lady. Between her computer and her health, I hope we have her around for a long time.
You leave the most interesting comments out in the blogosphere. Your presence is known and felt; be it here, or elsewhere. :)
® Anita: Thanks. I appreciate your supportive comment. Some days I wonder.
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