Wednesday, April 11, 2012


An advisory

This post is coming to you in pieces. I know what I want to tell you, but I haven't had time to put it together. 

It's been a busy day; a good day, with lots of things happening — so nobody needs to worry. Extra sleeping, shopping, new work, cleaning up. J has run away to San Francisco, via Vancouver, where she met up with her high-school girlfriend. It's pretty safe letting those two out together.

Thinking Justice

I think of justice as complementary in nature love. If you say you love someone, the very least you will do is see that person is treated in a fair and just matter. With a justice that goes beyond the letter of the law. The Hebrew prophets, including Jesus, often spoke of the importance of treating people justly.

Another way of looking at this is by seeing justice and love as two sides of the same coin. That is the approach taken by Joseph Fletcher in his 1966 book Situation Ethics: The New Morality. Fletcher argues that love ad justice are the same thing, and he says "justice is love distributed."

Thinking Beyond Justice

There is one other thing that fits with this. Beyond love and justice, there is also kindness in our personal relations. I'll deal with that next.


Elisabeth said...

It's interesting how important justice is in our lives, Rob-bear. To me there's nothing that rankles quite so much as a sense of things being unfair.

Diana said...

That was very enlightening to me this morning Bear. I had never thought to put Justice and love together but it makes wonderful sense.

This ABC challenge must be a big one for you, Blogging everyday and preparing a weekly inspiration for the flock. Take good care of yourself. Love Di ♥

Manzanita said...

Interesting post. Justice..... the scales..... my middle name. It always gets in my way because I can always see both sides of the coin.

I missed yesterdays post because I'm working every day at the ranch trying to get it back to what it once was.... no critters..... just repairing some of the ravages of neglect. I am pleased you'll be working again at something you obviously love. As you stated about love and justice, I can see your analogy very clearly.

DJan said...

Justice is essential, I think. If things are not fair, it feels so wrong. I look forward to see where you're going with this.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Justice is sweet, I hear. :)

I agree if you love someone, you must be just to he/she. But, we're all selfish.


Changes in the wind said...

With this kind of justice we would need a lot less law....

The Writing Goddess said...

Justice - we can always make sure the outside world gives it to us, or our loved ones, but we sure can try. And we can always work to be fair and loving, ourselves.

Survivormama said...

I completely agree...I wish that justice was dealt out more often in a more fair way...blessings my friend!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

This is one gal who likes things fair and square for sure. I always like to see Justice done proud.

Wonderful post.

God bless your day!!!

Wendy Tyler Ryan said...

Justice is an interesting word but it has a dark side.

Rosaria Williams said...

"If you love...with a justice that goes beyond the letter of the law."
I wonder what prompted this statement, Rob. Are you faced with ethical problems in this new job you are volunteering in? Or, are you left to fend for yourself for a while, and this is your way of complaining?

Just pondering...

Irene said...

I would love to think that we live in a just world. It would be awfully fair if we did. It's a shame that we don't, but we can only keep acting that way ourselves and hope we're treated that way in return. On the news there is a myriad of examples of injustice daily, yet we keep on believing. That must be human faith and resilience.

Inger said...

Justice for all, regardless of what we look like, here in the United States, just took a step forward today.

Leigh Covington said...

Oooh! What a fabulous choice for J! Your last paragraph is awesome! Worth quoting! Glad you shared. :)

Tasha Seegmiller said...

I would have thought of jealousy with love - not justice. But I can see how justice works. Great post - new follower :)

Chatty Crone said...

Justice is a hard concept - and sometimes there is not justice here on earth - you know what I mean? sandie

About Last Weekend said...

Wow, having a good old catch-up! Justice and J, two great things altogether!

Lydia said...

Wonderful. I am really enjoying your A-Z pieces.

Justice is such a great (and loaded) word.