Friday, February 24, 2012


An Interesting Thought from the Bipolar Diva

Blessings and Bear Hugs, Everyone!
(with or without the Second Amendment)

            Please do not shoot the Bear with your second amendment arms.


Just Two Chicks said...

We Americans sure do love our guns... and we raise our children, from a very young age to love the sport of shooting as well... from water guns, to BB guns, to potato guns, to paintball guns, and who knows what else!! I have a friend whose husband is going to teach me how to shoot (not sure that's the correct terminology) a bow and this is exciting and different. A little scary too... I'm a good aim, but not sure how I'll do with that contraption. People better be far, far away! :)

Love the bear picture... "bear arms" is cute :)


The British once said they would never attack America because there'd be an armed person behind every bush.

Now, there's not an armed person behind every bush, just armed people behind every convenience store and dumpster.

Before I lose my 2nd Amendment Rights, I'm gaining a good reputation at the gun range.

Rosaria Williams said...

Ah, don't let your guard down. Here in the lower fortyeight, we love our gun racks, our guns, our hunting trips, our boasting parties!

The Broad said...

:-)Great poster!

Diana said...

That was so cute!! I promise not to shoot any animals Bear. After that Deer experience, I wouldn't dream of it! Love Di ♥

Rubye Jack said...

I take it the right to bear arms is our second amendment? I really don't know. Ha. I do know however that everyone around here has a gun or 2 or 3 or 4...
That is except for me.

Rob-bear said...

® Just Two Chicks: I've learned how to shoot a rifle, and how to use a bow and arrow. I don't own either.

Bear arms are good, but useless against those to Bear (Second Amendment) Arms.

® Beau's Mom: Ah, you pistol-packing lady. Nobody's going to take you right away. One of America's top sports is people shooting each other. Don't want to end that. Right?

® rosaria: Ah,yes. The boasting parties at our expense, namely, the expense of the Bears, and Deer, and God's other critters of the world.

Rob-bear said...

® The Broad: Thanks. And the Diva has a great blog, too.

® The Blog Fodder: Glad you liked it, big guy.

® Diana: Thanks. Sorry you had that "Deer experience." Life can be pretty rough.

® Rubye Jack: Glad to teach you about your Constitution and its second amendment.

That amendment had an important purpose when it was created. That purpose has been bent out of shape, but the amendment is still there.

potsoc said...

I'm with you Bear. The second amendment has been twisted out of it's intended scope. I feel much safer up here than south of the border with all those guns around. It makes me feel queasy not knowing when a bozo will flash a piece out and start shooting.
It could happen up here but the guns being less numerous, the odds are better that it will not happen.

Rob-bear said...

® potsoc: I'm with you, Paul. There are enough dangers in life without some crazy-person with a gun messing things up. For either of us.

Amanda Summer said...

'bear arms' hahaha that's pretty good. this reminds me of a sunday school hymn my sister mixed up when she was little...wasn't until years later she realized she got the words wrong - it wasn't the 'constipated cross-eyed bear' but the 'consecrated cross i bear.'

ReformingGeek said...

And what big arms you have, Bear!

Down here in Texas, it's "He who has the biggest gun wins!"

I guess I won't win. I don't even have a small gun.

Rob-bear said...

® Amanda: I seem to recall that hymn, about Gladly, the Cross-eyed Bear.

Uh, no — that's not quite what I wanted. Gladly, the Cross I'd Bear. Yes. That's better.

® ReformingGeek: Thanks for noticing my big arms. But they really are no match for Second Amendment Arms. If you know what I mean.

susan said...

Someone once said he believed everybody should have the right to carry guns, rifles, bazookas, rocket launchers etc. but only he would keep the ammunition.

Chatty Crone said...

I loved that. sandie

Rob-bear said...

® Susan: That's a Second Amendment thought I can support. Totally Bearable.

® Chatty Crone: Glad you enjoyed it, Sandi. I've a lot of fun with this.

But the whole second amendment notion of people walking around carrying guns really scares the daylights out of me. But to some friends, it's a crucial part of their citizenship. I'm glad I'm here and they're there. We can both be happy where we are.

The Bipolar Diva said...

I promise I shall never shoot a bear.

Rob-bear said...

® The Bipolar Diva: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!