Even though I need all the help I can get, this isn't about me.
This is about The Bipolar Diva, who blogs at The Bipolar Diva. More specifically, this is about her eldest daughter, The Bipolar Princess.
The Princess has been infected by Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (better known as MRSA). This Staph infection lives in a lot of peoples' bodies, without being a problem to them. Unlike most bacterial infections, cannot be treated by normal, or even special, antibiotics. And once in a while it gets nasty (like a Bad Bear) and turns into Necrotizing fasciitis, better known as "flesh eating disease." That is what has happened to the Princess. She appears to be losing the battle at this point.
Prayers, kind thoughts, shared energy — whatever you have or do — for the Princess would be appreciated.
Thank you, from the Bear.
I will certainly say a prayer for the Bipolar Princess.
Love Di ♥
Thank you for sharing this request, Bear. I used the link you shared and went to her blog to read about her daughter's problem. As a Mother, I know that I would covet prayers and healing for my daughter. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I will certainly pray for her daughter's complete recovery from this MRSA infection.
This is serious. Again, thank you for having the heart of a friend by sharing this need for help for the family.
She was supposed to see a doctor yesterday at 3... I just messaged her to see how it went. Beautiful girl... I'm hoping they both make it through this quickly!!!
Thanks, friends.
Love and prayers are ongoing.
Bear, thank you so much! As of now, she's lying in bed with her leg sliced open to the bone, literally, and trying to recover without the aid of pain medication. The one blood test that did come back showed no staph in her bloodstream. But the other tests are not yet back. More lab work was done before the surgery today. Her red blood count is next to nothing and waiting for the tests to come back is terrifying. Thank you for your love, thank you for your prayers and thank you for being my wonderful friend. I love you.
Love and my good warm vibes are sent that way. I may light a candle for the family.
Sending cyber good vibes and get well soon wishes. My fingers are firmly crossed for The Bipolar Princess.
Oh wow. That is so scary. I will be thinking of her and sending positive thoughts.
Off to visit her blog and sending loving, kind, healing energy her way.
Rob-Bear, you have a heart of gold. Thanks for the alert. I will be praying for her.
Praying... and hoping that she will make a complete recovery.
Again, friends, thank you so much.
Joining in prayer.
Bear, you warm my frozen-Montana heart today for your appeal and kindness to a friend. What a generous person ur bear. Enjoy the rest of your sleep.I'll pop in on her blog.
Oh my gosh, this is so awful. I have never heard of this illness and it sounds really traumatising. My heart goes out to them
Tuned in late here. Hope she is recovering and will pray accordingly.
i will say a prayer for her daughter's complete recovery♡
I am very sad to read about the Bipolar Princess' fight with MRSA, and she will definitely be in my prayers. It is a terrifying thing. I got MRSA infection following an operation in 1990, and was going downhill fast when my doc prescribed the right med. It did not, of course, progress to the frightening stage that the Princess is now enduring. Very scary.
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