Sunday, August 1, 2010

ASBO-BEAR? (Oh, No; I Hope NOT!)

This could be subtitled "Things I Learned from British Bloggers." This is a bit old, and a bit odd, but I wanted to publish it anyhow. Peculiar creatures, these Bears.

While I'm of British stock, our family is multi-generational Canadian. I know lots of British history (like the fact that the Tudors were Welsh, and that 1066 was the last successful invasion of Britain). I know something about British politics (oh dear, poor Mr. Brown — no, we're NOT related!). I know what people mean when they talk about articulated lorries, lifts, spanners, the loo, and office buildings were the main floor isn't the first floor.

I've also learned about lots of people who have sheep, and utterly amazing gardens, and that courgettes are really zucchinis.

And on your blogs, I've met all kinds of non-human characters. Charlie, Cheyenne, Little Chip, Loyal Hound, Poppy & Misty, and Sparky. And then there's ASBO Jack. Interesting name, I thought. All in capitals. The polar opposite of the non-capitalizing e.e. cummings. Must be a "Wonder Dog," I concluded. Jack as in Jack Russell Terrier (I think).

And at Purple Coo, they even had an ASBO hour (or day), in honour of said Terrier, I'm told. "Wow," I thought, "impressive dog."

Then Zoe, bless her heart, had to straighten me out.
"Here on this side the pond, it is a method to impose curfew, or restrict the activities and places an individual may go when they have been found guilty of anti-social behaviour within their community. The restriction is called an Anti-Social Behaviour Order, hence ASBO."
Well that brings a new meaning to Wonder Dog. More like Anti-Social Wonder Dog. And here I had all these expectations!

As long as I don't get the designation "ASBO Bear," I think I'll be OK. But knowing me, I'm never sure. I have these "defects of character," you see. Or, more appropriately, have seen.

Oh well, a non-musical ditty for the dog days of summer.


potsoc said...

I had read, and forgotten about it, something about those ASBO on the BBC website last year. They can be devastating for those who get them.
I'm sure you will not.

Rob-bear said...

® Paul: Thank you. I hope not!

Natalie said...


I'll be watching out for you, Bear...just to make sure you are not being a Pooh Bear. :D

Rob-bear said...

® Well, Natalie: The real "Pooh Bear" came to England from Canada, so you never know what might happen. (We Bears know our history.)

Gutsy Living said...

I can no longer follow all these acronyms. I didn't know that PDA means public display of affection. I think I'm right, or perhaps not.

Rob-bear said...

® Sonia: I can't keep up with all the "alphabet soup" either. And with Twitter, its only getting worse.

Woe is the English language!