Saturday, July 4, 2009


Canadians celebrated our national holiday, Canada Day, just a few days ago. Today, it's the Americans turn to celebrate "Independence Day." So near -- yet so different -- those days.

On my "Bears Noting" blog, I decided to reflect a bit on the differences, our different national philosophies, and, particularly, our differences in health care. Both of those differences are quite significant.

Happy reading. And joyous celebrating!


Friko said...

Hallo Rob-Bear; I have just read your comment on Pondside's sad last post and I like what you said. I also very much like your profile. Neither US nor Canadian holidays mean anything to me, so I have nothing to say about your current post but I will come back to you and see what else you have to say. Whatever holiday you celebrate: have a good one!

Wendy said...

4th of July isn't much of anything in Australia - but it is the day that my hubby and I first went out sixteen years ago. Hmmm, I'm not quite sure if 'Independence Day' is the right title at all!

Rob-bear said...

Friko: Thanks so much for dropping by. Please come again when you can. I don't post every day. "Lighter" stuff appears here, more "thoughtful" material appears on "Bears Noting."

Wendy: I think you're talking about "Inter-dependance Day." But, the Bear has been known to get things wrong. Frequently.
BTW, got from your place to a very friendly, firey Dragon blog -- someone as dragonesque as you, perhaps.